FSDB Pineapple PD
The Purpose:
Share strategies, tools, and best practices
Serve as an outreach for the school
Network with other educators in the field
Give parents as well as internal and external stakeholders a glimpse into FSDB classrooms
The Creation:
10 years ago, Tracie dreamed of developing professional development videos to share with educators across campus, as well as, across the nation. Tracie thought, "How could I share these videos with a wide variety of people? VHS?" For those of you in the "millennial" generation, a VHS is a box like object that has film inside that is played through a VCR (fancy contraption that hooks up to a TV to play a VHS). Tracie had to hold on to this dream for 10 years for a more effective and efficient method to come along.
Fast forward 10 years later, Randi was teaching Kindergarten at FSDB and joined Tracie's team. Tracie explained her dream to Randi as she listened intently. Randi searched the internet for trending topics on social media, blogs, and professional websites to help make Tracie's dream come true. On the journey, Randi came across Cult of Pedagogy blog on Pineapple Charts. Click here to view the blog post.
You're probably wondering what a Pineapple Chart is? A pineapple is a symbol of welcome and a way to invite people into your space. Cult of Pedagogy, Jennifer Gonzalez took the pineapple and added it to a chart. The chart is housed in the teachers' lounge and lists times with specific strategies or teaching tools. Teachers can informally visit each others classrooms and witness the strategy taking place.
I know what you're thinking, amazing! The pineapple chart opened the walls of the classroom. Randi rushed to Tracie's office to show her the Pineapple Chart concept. After much discussion, debate, and configuration, FSDB Pineapple PD was born. A central Pineapple Chart would be impossible on a 80+ acre campus so the decision was made to make a virtual Pineapple Chart.
Tracie's dream of developing professional learning videos needed the "future" and a millennial.
The Breakdown:
A 3-5 minute glimpse of best practices happening in the classroom.
Clips of students provide a visual of the strategy, teaching method, and instruction.
The video concludes with an explanation from the teacher or staff member.
Certified Teachers and Staff Members can select 4 videos in a series to watch and complete individual professional development.
Topics include: ASL/English Bilingual Applications, Assistive Technology Applications, Tactile Graphics, and Individualized Education Plans (IEPs).
Slice of PD Saturdays- 4 hour workshops on specific topics related to school initiatives and teachers' individualized professional development needs.
Includes: webinars, summer trainings, video trainings, and more.
Provides an in-depth presentation on specific topics related to our School Improvement Plan, teachers' Individualized Professional Development Plan, and Department initiatives.
Pineapple PD Tidbit
3-5 pictures that depict best practices happening in the classroom.
Tidbits serve as a teaser for Pineapple PD videos to come and trainings/workshops happening around campus.
The Core of FSDB (Videos Coming Soon)
A video sharing resources on campus that support teacher instruction and student success.
The core depicts what holds us together for the success of our school: students, our values, support staff, materials, and tools.
How to watch and follow:
Facebook: @FSDBPD
Twitter : @FSDB_PD
Instagram: @FSDB_PD
Youtube: FSDB Pro. Development
Vimeo: Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind

Meet the FSDB Pineapple PD Team
Tracie Snow
Tracie C. Snow is the Administrator of Instructional Services at the Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind. She has been the Director of Curriculum and Professional Development, a Reading Specialist, and a classroom teacher during her 22 year tenure at FSDB. She is one of the faces behind FSDB Pineapple PD

Randi Mitchell
Randi Mitchell is the Coordinator of Professional Development at the Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind. She worked as a kindergarten teacher for five years. She is one of the faces behind FSDB Pineapple PD.